Eustáquio Neves Vincitore Premio Mediterraneum 2022 per la Fotografia

Eustáquio Neves
Eustáquio Neves

Born. 1955 is a self-taught photographer and video artist who studied chemistry and classical guitar. Since 1989, he has researched and developed alternative and multidisciplinary techniques, including the manipulation of negatives and prints as well as electronic media, through which he incorporates sequence and movement. He was born in 1955 in Juatuba, Minas Gerais, Brazil, an area that once served as a refuge to fugitive slaves- the quilombolas. From 1993 to 1997, he photographed a community of quilombolas descendants in Minas Gerais to express his interest in the memory and identity of black Brazilians. In 1994, he was awarded The Marc Ferrez Photography Prize by Funarte, Brazil’s National Foundation for the Arts.

His work has been widely exhibited in Brazil and abroad, including solo shows of his series Cartas ao Mar [Letters to the Sea] (2015).

  • He has exhibited this work at the Museu Afro Brasileiro, Sao Paulo (2015); FotoRio, Rio de Janeiro (2015); Museu de Arte Moderna da Bahia, Salvador, Brazil (2014); and Pinacoteca do Estado de Sao Paulo (1996).
  • He has shown abroad in group shows including AFRO – BRASIL, Fotografia Brasileira (2013, Institute for Foreign Cultural Relations Gallery, Stuttgart, Germany); Mythologies: Brazilian Contemporary Photography (2012, Shiseido Gallery,
  • Tokyo); and I Mostra Pan Africana of Contemporary Art (2005, Museu de Arte Moderna da Bahia, Salvador, Brazil). 
  • Summary from the book African Cosmologies: Photography, Time, and the Others, organized and edited by Mark Sealy, Steven Evans and Max Fields. Footrest, INC., HOUSTON, TEXAS, USA. 2020
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